A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that improves abdominal contours by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the muscles. There are many types of abdominoplasty procedures, depending on the patient's needs.
A standard tummy tuck requires an incision from hip to hip.
Belly Button Surgery
Belly button surgery, sometimes called umbilicoplasty or belly button lift, is a procedure changes the shape and size of your navel.
Body Contouring
Body Contouring is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin usually as a result of weight loss. The surgery can be performed on multiple body locations.
Body Lift
Body lift surgery combines several different surgeries to remove extra skin after significant weight loss, often after bariatric surgery such as gastric bypass. A lower body lift usually includes a butt lift, thigh lift, tummy tuck, panniculectomy, and/or monsplasty.
Cellulite Treatment
The newest cellulite treatments use a combination of energy waves, subcision, and/or liposuction. These are some of the most common and effective ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Cool Sculpting
CoolSculpting body contouring treatments use cryolipolysis, or fat freezing, to target stubborn areas of fat without surgery. The device freezes and kills fat cells without harming neighboring skin, nerves, vessels, or muscles. Each treatment usually takes less than an hour, and there’s no downtime.
Fat Transfer
Fat Transfer is a procedure where fat from an area of the body is removed via liposuction, and injected into another area to augment and re-shape.
Fleur-De-Lis Tummy Tuck
A Fleur-De-Lis Tummy Tuck is a procedure that removes excess skin from the entire mid-section. Rather than the standard tummy tuck that requires an incision from hip to hip, the fleur-de-lis surgery also requires a vertical incision from the horizontal incision to just below the breast.
Lipedema Surgery
Lipedema Surgery removes excess fatty deposits by using liposuction techniques. The most successful treatments use water-assisted liposuction or tumescent liposuction.
Liposculpture, also called high-def lipo, is a surgical procedure used to shape, sculpt, and contour fat, creating the appearance of muscle definition.
Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes excess fat and contours the body. Our medical grade lipo compression garments provide the comfort and support needed for you to achieve the best results from your surgery.
Mini Lift
The term mini lift typically refers to a lower face lift, cheek lift, mini neck lift, or a some combination. The specific procedure varies from surgeon to surgeon. It’s often referred to as a “short scar facelift.”
Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tummy tuck (or mini abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure that restores a smooth look to the area below the belly button by removing excess tissue. The procedure can replace an unattractive Cesarean section scar with a lower one that’s just slightly longer.
MTF Body Contouring
MTF body contouring, also called male-to-female body sculpting, gives transgender women a more traditionally feminine, hourglass shape. It typically involves liposuction, to sculpt a narrower waist and abdomen; fat transfer, to create more curvy hips; and a Brazilian butt lift or butt implants.
Mummy Makeover
Mommy makeover is an umbrella term for a combination of plastic surgery procedures that can help restore your pre-baby body after dramatic changes brought on by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.
A panniculectomy is a common surgical procedure performed to remove significant excess hanging abdominal skin after major weight loss.
Skin Removal Surgery
Skin Removal Surgery can be performed on any area of the body where excess skin needs to be removed - usually as a result of weight loss.
Tumescent Liposuction
Tumescent liposuction is the most common liposuction technique used to permanently remove pockets of excess fat via suction. The surgeon starts the procedure with injections that firm up the fat to make it easier to remove safely and effectively, for less pain and reduced recovery time. Then the surgeon uses a thin tube, called a cannula, to suction out the fat.
Vaser Liposuction
VASER liposuction is a surgical fat-reduction procedure that uses ultrasonic vibration, or “vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance” (VASER), to break up fat and free it from the surrounding tissue before it’s sucked out through a hollow tube, called a cannula.
Edema, also known as fluid retention or swelling, is the buildup of fluid in the body's tissue. Most commonly, the legs or arms are affected. Symptoms may include skin which feels tight, the area may feel heavy, and affected joints may be hard to move.
A seroma is a pocket of clear serous fluid that sometimes develops in the body after surgery. This fluid is composed of blood plasma that has seeped out of ruptured small blood vessels and the inflammatory fluid produced by injured and dying cells.
Weight Management